Mother’s anger is a thing. You dare not take it lightly. Throughout a lifetime, there are several episodes where you have to face the wrath of mothers. Whether you are a kid or a grown-up, from time to time, you have to bear the rage of your mother. Mother’s anger is not an issue, but how to calm your angry mother can be quite a thing.
One more stupid thing and she can turn from the lovely mommy to the angry mommy in nanoseconds. So, when she is upset or already angry, do not fuel it with your antics. Stay calm, Stay Quiet, and take these measures. When you know, you have done something wrong that can make your mother angry, or you can sense harshness in your mother’s attitude. Sit and sincerely apologize for your wrongdoings.
- Make a Sweet Apology: Even if your mother does not scold, you can sense she is angry with her gestures. She will converse with you less; she will look upset, etc. So, as a child you need to assess your mother’s mood and actions. You should know when she is angry, what actions of yours make her angry like waking up late in the morning, being careless in dealings, etc. etc. Whenever she is upset, bake a cake and make a sweet apology. Hug her and assure her, the same won’t be repeated. If baking a cake is not your thing, you can go for online cake delivery. Order a Sorry themed cake for her. The chocolate flavour is ideal as the chocolate lessens the stress and angry levels and stimulates the happy hormones.
- Give Her Time and Space: When a person is angry, the brain goes into fight/flight mode, which diminishes the person’s ability to reason. Your mother is no different when she is angry. So, postpone the conversation. Give your mother the time and space to become calm and collected. When she is, then discuss the topic of the conflict peacefully. Now, when you are resolving things, there are a few points you need to keep in mind so that your mother does not become angry again. First, allow her to speak and listen carefully. Try to understand her. Feel sorry and take accountability. If you have to put your point of view, do it in a very polite and respectful manner.
- Show Your Best Behaviour: The reason for her anger is you and your behaviour. So, the most viable option to make her calm is to show your best behaviour. Know what makes her angry. Is it your habit of coming home late at night or your negligence towards your health and work. Does she become angry when you leave your room untidy? Whatever makes her angry, change that. Wake up early in the morning and help her. Come home on time, keep your room neat and tidy. Study and work hard. Be at your best behaviour, not one day but consistently. And you will see her heart melting and love oozing out for you.
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Gestures: When an apology comes from the heart, it’s enough. “ I am Sorry” can heal even the deepest wounds. When you know, you have done something wrong that can make your mother angry, or you can sense harshness in your mother’s attitude. Sit and sincerely apologize for your wrongdoings. Ask her why she is fierce, and say “ I am Sorry, I hurt you.” Mean what you say, and it will work. You can also give a bunch of flowers or a handmade Sorry card. It will do magic!
- Do Things That Make Her Happy: Mother’s anger does not stay for long. So, do things that make her happy. Maybe you can get her favourite snacks, show her affection, and care for her. Your loving gestures will make her anger vanish and bring a sweet curve on her face. So, as a child you need to assess your mother’s mood and actions. You should know when she is angry, what actions of yours make her angry like waking up late in the morning, being careless in dealings, etc. etc. Whenever she is upset, bake a cake and make a sweet apology. Hug her and assure her, the same won’t be repeated.
Hope these work for you!